ParticleView V19 With PVM Technology

ParticleView V19 - produkt wycofany

Wycofano: Apr, 2020

View Inline Particle Size and Shape in Real Time With In Situ PVM images

ParticleView V19 with PVM (Particle Vision and Measurement) technology is a probe-based video microscope that visualizes particles and particle mechanisms as they exist in process.  High resolution images are continuously captured under a wide range of process conditions without the need for sampling or offline analysis. A process trend, sensitive to changes in particle size and concentration, is automatically combined with the most relevant images, providing scientists with a straightforward and reliable method to ensure comprehensive understanding is acquired with every experiment.

  • Study Particle Size and Shape - High resolution imaging of particles in real time enables scientists to determine the influence of process parameters on particle size and shape.  Particles can be designed to behave predictably as key parameters change during development, scale-up and manufacturing.
  • Characterize Transient Events and Elusive Mechanisms - Particles and particle structures often change when sampled.  By visualizing crystals, droplets and other delicate particle structures inline, scientists can characterize transient events and elusive mechanisms that may be critical for optimizing the quality of a product or process.
  • Investigate Critical Process Events and Upsets - An image-based trend, sensitive to changing particle size, shape and concentration, helps scientists identify and then investigate important process events and upsets.  The fast and reliable method reduces the time and effort needed to fully understand complex particle systems and processes.
  • Make Evidence-Based Decisions At a Lower Cost - By visualizing particles and particle mechanisms inline, scientists acquire knowledge that would otherwise prove too difficult or time consuming to obtain.  Such knowledge supports evidence-based decision making and process development at a lower cost.


Dane techniczne - ParticleView V19


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Additional Help

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