Stolik grzewczy do badań mikroskopowych

Stolik grzewczy do badań mikroskopowych

Etapy termiczne w badaniach polimorfizmu, pomiarów ciekłokrystalicznych i krystalizacji polimerów.

Stolik grzewczy do badań mikroskopowych
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Stolik grzewczy do badań mikroskopowych
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Modele i dane techniczne

Modele i dane techniczne
Zakres temperatury
With optional cooling
Heating rate
Light aperture
Measuring sensor type
Zobacz szczegóły
Zakres temperaturyRT ... 375 °C
With optional cooling-90 °C ... 375 °C
Heating rate0.1 ... 20 K/min
Light aperture2 mm
Measuring sensor type-
Sample carriersSlides / Top glass
Wymiary (dł. x szer. x wys.)76 x 19 x 1
Base diameter / volume15 x 15 x 0.2 mm
WyświetlaczTouch-sensitive 7'' VGA color screen
LanguagesGerman, English, French, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Russian
Shortcuts (One Click™)12 per user
Standards satisfiedASTM F766, EN ISO 3146
Zobacz szczegóły
Zakres temperaturyRT ... 375 °C
Heating rate0.1 ... 20 K/min
Light aperture2 mm
Measuring sensor typeDSC ceramic sensor, 56 thermocouples
Sample carriersAluminum, glass and sapphire crucibles
Base diameter / volume6mm / 40 µL
WyświetlaczTouch-sensitive 7'' VGA color screen
LanguagesGerman, English, French, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Russian
Shortcuts (One Click™)12 per user
Standards satisfiedASTM F766, EN ISO 3146



Excellence Microscope Hot-Stages Brochure
Hot-stage microscopy is a powerful method which is widely used to visually examine all kinds of thermal transitions. In the HS82, samples are heated o...

Dane techniczne

Datasheet: Thermomechanical Analysis Sample Robot
Unlock the full potential of your TMA system with METTLER TOLEDO's advanced Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA) Sample Robot.
Datasheet: DSC-Microscopy System
Enhance your DSC analysis with METTLER TOLEDO's microscopy system. Visualize thermal transitions, identify effects, and improve result interpretation...
Datasheet: The MultiSTAR DSC Sensor Family
The sensor is the heart of any DSC measuring cell. Ideally, a modern DSC sensor should be very sensitive, have a fast response, a flat baseline, and y...
Datasheet: Thermal Analysis Repair Service
Fast intervention and turnaround time is the key to maximizing your thermal analysis system’s uptime. Learn about our expert manufacturer repair servi...
Datasheet: Thermal Analysis Training Service
From basic to expert, on-site to online, discover the ideal thermal analysis training for laboratory technicians and research scientists.
Datasheet: Comprehensive Installation / Qualification - Thermal Analysis Service
Operational and functional testing procedures are performed and documented on site by an authorized service specialist.
Datasheet: TMA-Sorption System
This datasheet details the main features and benefits of the TMA-Sorption option. Real world application examples show what type of measurement can be...
Datasheet: TGA Evolved Gas Analysis
The combination of TGA with a mass spectrometer (MS) or a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR) allows the nature of the gaseous reaction pro...
Datasheet: TGA-EGA
TGA-MS, TGA-FTIR, TGA-GC/MS and TGA-Micro GC/MS are powerful techniques that yield both quantitative (mass analysis, absorbance) and qualitative (iden...
Datasheet: Thermal Analysis Services
METTLER TOLEDO offers a wealth of educational resources for thermal analysis, including webinars, e-trainings, videos and over 600 published applicati...

Usługi serwisowe

+48 22 691 10 10
Zadzwoń do serwisu

Dowiedz się więcej o naszych usługach dostosowanych do konkretnych urządzeń

Zgodnie z definicją przyjętą przez Międzynarodową Konfederację Analizy Termicznej i Kalorymetrii (ICTAC – International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry) analiza termiczna obejmuje grupę technik, w których fizyczna właściwość substancji jest mierzona w funkcji temperatury, podczas gdy dana substancja jest poddawana kontrolowanemu programowi temperaturowemu.

Wsparcie i naprawy
Konserwacja i optymalizacja
Zgodność z przepisami
Wzorcowanie i certyfikacja
Wiedza specjalistyczna
Szkolenia i konsultacje


Nowe zastosowania, przegląd zagadnień, praktyczne wskazówki

Thermal Analysis Applications
Thermal Analysis Techniques for the Chemical Industry – Theory and Applications
Thermal Analysis Applications for the Petrochemical Industry
Heat capacity determination of metals above 700 °C
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) Webinar
Thermal Analysis Applications for the Characterization of Food
The Characterization of Pharmaceuticals Using Thermal Analysis