manual repeater pipette accessories

Manual Repeater Pipette Accessories

Accessories for AutoRep M Repeater Pipettes

Accessories for manual repeater pipettes include Encode syringe tips, sterile syringe adapters, batteries, and shelf mounts. These are the perfect additions to optimize your repeat pipetting experience.

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AutoRep M Pipette Manual Operating instructions
This manual provides a complete overview of the operating instructions for the AutoRep M Pipette.
+421 2 4444 1221
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Spoločnosť METTLER TOLEDO podporuje a servisuje vaše pipety počas celého ich životného cyklu, od správnej techniky pipetovania cez preventívnu údržbu a kalibráciu až po opravy zariadení.

Podpora a opravy
Údržba a optimalizácia
Kalibrácia a kvalita
Školenia a konzultácie

More information and helpful tips

Maintenance for AutoRep M

The AutoRep M is calibrated at the factory and is maintenance-free. It may be cleaned with water or isopropyl alcohol. The AutoRep M contains no user-serviceable parts. Never attempt to disassemble the AutoRep M.

How to remove the encode tip

  1. Hold the AutoRep M over a vessel.
  2. Empty the Encode tip by pushing the locking/filling lever to its lower stop.
  3. Pull out the locking/filling lever slightly and swing it out.
  4. Remove the Encode tip. The adapter required for 25 mL and 50 mL Encode tip is reusable.