DMA 1 - Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer

Swiss Quality

The DMA 1 is a multipurpose DMA. Measurements can be carried out in all standard deformation modes (bending, tension, shear and compression), even in liquids or at defined relative humidity levels. A unique aspect of the DMA 1 is its rotatable measuring head.

  • Flexible positioning of the measuring head – measurements in all deformation modes, even in liquids or at different relative humidity levels
  • TMA measurements – for measuring expansion coefficients, effects due to creep, and relaxation times
  • Wide temperature range – from –190 °C to 600 °C


The unparalleled versatility of the DMA 1 allows applications to be performed in the optimum measurement configuration. The DMA 1 is quick and easy to set up, whether for conventional DMA analyses, experiments using static forces or measurements in liquids.

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Technické parametre - DMA 1 - Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer

Teplotný rozsah -190°C to 600°C
TBD: Peak force 10 N
Minimálna sila 0.001 N
Rozsah frekvencie 0.001 ... 300 Hz

Innovative Technology


Features and Benefits of the DMA 1 - Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer


Flexible positioning of the measuring head – measurements in all deformation modes, even in liquids or at different relative humidity levels
Easy operation – allows fast change of deformation modes
TMA measurements – for measuring expansion coefficients, effects due to creep, and relaxation times
Humidity option – for sorption and desorption measurements
Ergonomic design with large touchscreen – for convenient sample loading and monitoring of the measurement process
Wide temperature range – from –190 °C to 600 °C
Extremely efficient and economical cooling – saves valuable measurement time and reduces liquid nitrogen consumption




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Spotrebný materiál


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DMA 1 - Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer