Product inspection systems are often designated as Critical Control Points (CCP's) in the production process. If the equipment fails, manufacturers face a risk of significant unplanned downtime resulting in reduced output and lost revenues. Rental machines from METTLER TOLEDO enable you to replace failed equipment with a suitable solution while your own system is refurbished – and all at a manageable rental price.

Rental Machines
Product Inspection Solutions

Keep Production Running
Quick Support with Rental Machines

Wide Variety of Product Inspection Solutions
Through our four regional support centers in Asia, Europe and North America, we can offer more than 300 rental machines available on short, medium and long term contracts. Equipment rental is ideal for when you want to try a solution on your production line before committing to a long-term investment, or need to flexibly scale production capabilities to meet variable demand or fixed term contracts. Try before you buy with rental machines from METTLER TOLEDO Product Inspection

Dynamic Checkweighing Rental Machines
Our checkweighing systems available to rent cover our full range of solutions, from entry-level to advanced. We offer both standalone systems, or combination systems which allow you to integrate checkweighing capabilities with another product inspection technology in a very compact footprint. Combi systems include checkweighers with metal detection, x-ray inspection or vision solutions.

Metal Detection Rental Machines
Metal detection rental systems are available for conveyorized applications, as well as pumped products, those inspected under gravity-fall conditions, and inspection of pharmaceutical tablets and capsules. Selected conveyorized solutions are also available as combi systems, giving you metal detection and checkweighing capabilities in a compact footprint with only 4 feet on the ground.

X-ray Inspection Rental Machines
Whether you want to try before you buy, or are looking for a short-long term rental solution, we can offer you an extensive range of x-ray inspection systems to choose from. Standalone systems from entry-level through to our most advanced solutions are available, along with combi solutions, giving you flexibility to meet your production needs.

Test Before You Invest
We offer an extensive range of support options that allow you to test our solutions before you invest. Product tests using your own products give you a clear idea of the performance levels you can expect. Our demo vehicles bring product inspection innovations to you - allowing you to try them out for yourself and learn more from our product experts. Our live eDemos are personalized sessions with product experts to explore the features of the systems that you are most interested in.