Transmitter M400 2H

Reliable 2-Wire Transmitter.This M400 2-wire transmitter provides the highest reliability and process safety in hazardous and non-hazardous areas. Advanced ISM functionality enables predictive maintenance to help reduce costs and improve productivity.

Outstanding Reliability and Safety

The M400 2-wire provides outstanding reliability and process safety thanks to advanced ISM functionality and its rugged aluminum die cast housing.

Designed for Versatility

This transmitter accepts a pH, ORP, Conductivity, DO and dissolved CO2 sensors, and both analog or digital ISM sensors giving flexibility in use.

Easy System Integration

The HART interface allows easy system integration and offers remote access to the transmitter and sensor diagnostics

Číslo produktu: 30025514

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Advanced ISM for Process Control

ISM's advanced sensor diagnostics adjust in real time to changes in processing conditions. The HART communication protocol provides seamless integration of sensor diagnostics in process control systems.

Reduce Time in Hazardous Areas

ISM sensors with Plug and Measure technology can be pre-calibrated in a workshop with iSense software and stored for later use. When connected to the transmitter, calibration data are automatically uploaded and the system is ready to measure in an instant.

Multiple Analytical Parameters

This multi-parameter transmitter can be used to monitor pH, ORP, conductivity, amperomtric dissolved oxygen, optical dissolved oxygen and dissolved carbon dioxide. One unified interface for a variety of applications simplifies training and use.


Technické parametre - Transmitter M400 2H

Advanced ISM for Process Control

ISM's advanced sensor diagnostics adjust in real time to changes in processing conditions. The HART communication protocol provides seamless integration of sensor diagnostics in process control systems.

Reduce Time in Hazardous Areas

ISM sensors with Plug and Measure technology can be pre-calibrated in a workshop with iSense software and stored for later use. When connected to the transmitter, calibration data are automatically uploaded and the system is ready to measure in an instant.

Multiple Analytical Parameters

This multi-parameter transmitter can be used to monitor pH, ORP, conductivity, amperomtric dissolved oxygen, optical dissolved oxygen and dissolved carbon dioxide. One unified interface for a variety of applications simplifies training and use.



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Software Tools

Application Notes

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More Information

Žiadosť o cenovú ponuku
Transmitter M400 2H
Hazardous Area
FM Approved