KF Drying Oven DO308

Bezpečné a jednoduché odstraňovanie vody.

Jednoduchá a rýchla manuálna manipulácia

Výmena vzorky v zóne ohrevu je zabezpečená jednoduchým transportným systémom s magnetickou vodiacou tyčou pripojenou k sklenenému člnku so vzorkou.

Rýchlo sa dosiahnu rovnovážne podmienky

Studenú a horúcu zónu možno čistiť osobitne. Okolitá vlhkosť sa rýchlo odstráni a vrámci krátkeho času sa dosiahne stabilný drift.

Pripravená na použitie

Všetky potrebné komponenty, vrátane sušiacej jednotky sú súčasťou štandardnej dodávky.

Číslo produktu: 51371200

Zavolajte nám pre individuálnu ponuku
Technické parametre - KF Drying Oven DO308
Rozmery (DxŠ)
220 mm x 500 mm
Teplotný rozsah
40 °C – 300 °C
DO308 connected to DL38 Karl Fischer VolumeterThe DO308 drying oven is ideal for accurate water determination of solid or viscous samples like:
  • Substances that release water only at elevated temperatures such as plastics in powder or granular form
  • Substances that cause side reactions with Karl Fischer reagent such as oxidizing inorganic salts
  • Substances that cause problems in the titration vessel due to their consistency such as fibrous or pasty substances
  • Substances that are poorly soluble or insoluble such as wool, dough, tar or coal

Technical data DO308:

Temperature range  40 - 300 °C
Temperature accuracy  ±5 °C (@300°C) 
Footprint housing   256 x 180 mm
Dimensions overall   500 x 220 mm
Voltage (auto selection)        100 ... 230 VAC   
Max. power consumption   450 W
Height   390 mm
Weight  9.1 kg
Order information

51371200 ... DO308

Standard equipment:
51108660 ... Gas drying unit including flow meter
51108657 ... Glass sample boat (2x)
51371101 ... Sample boat guide rod
51108649 ... Set of 50 aluminium inserts for the sample boat
51108676 ... Tube set
51191130 ... Stop cock
51108837 ... Transfer tube (insulated)

Optional equipment:
51108670 ... Air pump with cable
Features and Benefits
  • Easy and fast manual handling
    Easy handling for left and right handed operators. Sample exchange and sample transport into the heated zone of the oven is provided for by the simple transport system with a magnetic guide rod attached to the glass sample boat.
  • Equilibrium conditions are quickly reached
    The cold and the hot zone can be purged separately with dry carrier gas using a stopcock. Ambient moisture introduced during sample exchange or addition via the sleeve opening is quickly carried away. Therefore, a stable drift is reached within a short period of time.
  • Enhanced operational safety
    There is no need to remove the transfer tube from the titration cell after switching off the oven; just open the stopcock to avoid contamination of the oven due to underpressure. Different temperature ranges can be pre-programmed in one cycle. Safety is further improved by automatic shut down after the analysis is completed.
  • Ready for use
    All necessary parts including the drying unit with gas flow measurement are part of the standard delivery. If purging with dry air is desired, an optional air pump is available.



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KF Drying Oven DO308