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Case Study

Presisjonsvekt testet med elefantprøving

Case Study

I kjemiske, industrielle eller farmasøytiske laboratoriemiljøer foregår veieprosessene under svært tøffe forhold. Vi ble med på sirkuset for å finne ut akkurat hvor godt våre produkter klarer å yte under slike forhold. Prøven vår var enkel: en elefant som veide 3,5 tonn, ble plassert på en presisjonsvekt på 64 kg med overbelastningsvern. Så akkurat hvor presis var vektens veieresultater under elefanttesten?  Se på filmen av prøvingsresultatet nå …


Additional functions of XP precision balances include:

  • Leveling monitoring – Provides the user with the ability to test and level the balance by following instructions displayed on the terminal.

  • SmartSens – Enables hands-free operation, while achieving reliable weighing results. Simple processes such as zero setting, taring and printing can all be executed without coming into contact with the balance. 

  • MinWeigh – displays weighing values which fail to meet minimum requirements. The color of the weight shown changes from black to red if the weight does not fulfill minimum requirements.

  • LabX software – The perfect solution for laboratory managers, due to the fact that they are able to visualize balance data and control a wide range of tasks via computer without actually having to enter the laboratory themselves. 

  • Magic Cube – The ideal solution for customers who are in need of a multifunctional draft shield.

  • Bluetooth printer, magnetic protection and much more.