Crucible 40 uL, Al, 100 pcs

Crucible 40 uL, Al, 100 pcs

Standard Aluminum Crucibles.Aluminum Crucibles

Standard crucible for DSC measurements

The most frequently used crucible type for DSC (and TGA) measurements is the 40 μL aluminum crucible. Package size: 100 pans/100 standard lids.

Excellent Thermal Conductivity

The perfectly flat base of the pan ensures excellent thermal contact and minimizes artifacts.

Various lids available

Three lid types can be combined with the 40 μL pans: standard lids, lids for piercing by the robot, and lids with a prepierced 50 μm hole.

Material No.: 26763

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Al 40 μL crucible description

The most frequently used crucible type for DSC (and TGA) measurements is the 40 μL aluminum (standard) crucible. It is very shallow (low in height) and has a strong flat base, which ensures good thermal contact by limiting the thermal gradients.

Al 40 μL pan with standard lid

Most frequently, the 40 μL pan is used in combination with a standard lid into which a large hole has been pierced. In this case the atmosphere in the crucible is practically the same as in the furnace but substances are prevented from creeping out.

Al 40 μL crucible hermetically sealed

The crucible can be hermetically sealed to suppress endothermic evaporation, vaporization or sublimation when carrying out DSC measurements on volatile substances. The maximum permissible overpressure that the sealed lid withstands is 0.2 MPa.

Al 40 μL pan with special lids

The pan can be combined with other special lids: a) With an aluminum lid that contains a prepierced 50 μm hole. Useful if evaporation is critical. b) With an aluminum lid that is used for piercing by the piercing device before transfer to the furnace.

Plunger/die set for sealing

For these crucibles, the standard die/plunger set (ArtNo 27809 and 27386) is used; the set is included when buying the standard crucible press.

Aluminum background information (I)

Aluminum crucibles have a high purity of 99.9%. The maximum temperature of the crucibles is 640 °C. At the surface, a thin alumina (Al2O3) layer forms if the crucibles are kept in an ambient atmosphere. ...

Aluminum background information (II)

"... However, this alumina layer is not always perfect; therefore, experts recommend treating crucibles for critical experiments for about 15 min at 400 °C in an air atmosphere. A hazardous substance in combination with aluminum is mercury (poison for Al)."


Specifications - Crucible 40 uL, Al, 100 pcs

40 µL
Measuring Technique
Maximum Temperature
640 °C
Maximum Pressure
0.2 MPa
Number of Pieces
with Lids
Beaker Volume
40 µL

Lids included


Product Brochures

Brochure: Crucibles for Thermal Analysis
Crucibles serve as containers for samples during DSC and TGA measurements. They guarantee that the sensor is not contaminated during the measurement.


Aluminum Crucibles for Thermal Analysis

Set of 400 lids specially made to be automatically pierced before the transfer into the measuring cell.

Material No.: 51119873



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Crucible 40 uL, Al, 100 pcs