InTrac 781 (Single Flushing Chamber, Chemical Applications)
Sensor Housings for Harsh Conditions.
InTrac 781 retractable housings are specially designed for use in a wide range of harsh industrial processes. Wetted parts are available in different materials, offering installation flexibility in many applications. The intelligent sensor locking system prevents deployment of the insertion rod if no sensor is present. InTrac housings can be operated with EasyClean systems for automatic sensor cleaning, flushing and calibration. With the housings' specially designed cleaning chamber, sensors can be thoroughly and quickly cleaned whenever required.
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"The maintenance team’s work to access the pH sensor during the process is easy because with the InTrac housing they don’t need to change the valve or shut the process fluid flow off." (Translated from Indonesian)
Suhartoyo, DCS-Electrical Engineer, Global Amines Indonesia
Features & Benefits
Wide range of options to meet your needs
Various construction materials, process connections, insertion lengths, and high process temperature and pressure options ensure model availability to meet your requirements.
Remove the sensor without stopping the process
The sensor can be cleaned, calibrated or exchanged without process interruption.
Most efficient sensor cleaning
New cleaning chamber design with 4 integrated spray nozzle which make sensor cleaning more efficient than ever.
Compliant with international standards
The housings meet the strict requirements of major international guidelines including ATEX and FM approval.
Product Family:sensor housings006010002009
Specifications - InTrac 781 (Single Flushing Chamber, Chemical Applications)
Maximum permissible pressure and temperature
<b>SS316L, Alloy C-22:</b> 16 bar at 120 °C or 10 bar at 140 °C<br>232.1 psi at 248 °F or 145 psi at 284 °F<hr><b>PP:</b> 4 bar at 60 °C or 2 bar at 70 °C<br>58.02 psi at 140 °F or 29.01 psi at 158 °F<hr><b>PVDF:</b> 6 bar at 90 °C or 4 bar at 100 °C<br>87.02 psi at 194 °F or 58.02 psi at 212 °F<hr><b>PEEK:</b> 10 bar at 100 °C or 6 bar at 120 °C<br>145 psi at 212 °F or 87.02 psi at 248 °F
<b>ATEX:</b><br>Ex - II 1/2G c IIC TX Ga/Gb<br>Ex - II 1/2D c IIIC TX Da/Db<br><br><b>FM Approved</b><br>IC CI. I, II, III, Div 1 GR ABCDEFG/T6 T<sub>amb.</sub/> =0<sup>0</sup>C to +60<sup>0</sup>C
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