Harsh environments and heavy traffic volumes require scales that are built for the challenge. See what makes METTLER TOLEDO vehicle weighing technology the choice of waste, recycling, and scrap processing centers around the world.

Permanent Solutions to Truck Scale Problems
In waste, recycling, and scrap industries

Truck Scale Buying Guide
Make informed decisions
Our free 80-page guide explains truck scale technology, project planning, and the many decisions that every scale buyer must make. This publication is designed to help both current and prospective scale owners and operators. It is available in electronic or printed format. Request your free copy today!
Upgrades and Conversions
For existing vehicle scales
Make the scale you already have more reliable than ever! A new load cell system is the permanent solution to improve reliability and accuracy.
← Watch the video to learn more and request an expert consultation today.

Virtual Transfer Station
From our waste processing facility to yours
Explore products, services, and other opportunities to improve weighing operations in our unique 3D animation.

Whitepaper: Compliance and Weighing Systems
Considerations for Waste Facilities
Organizations that collect, transport, and process waste materials face unique challenges. This whitepaper outlines considerations for weighing processes and equipment to assist with long-term compliance issues.