Mike Pipe, Head of Global Sales & Product Management, METTLER TOLEDO Safeline X-ray

Mike Pipe

Mike has worked in both commercial and technical roles helping food and pharmaceutical manufacturers and brand owners achieve compliance, maximize productivity and drive consumer safety.

In this international strategic role, Mike works closely with local and global customers to understand their business challenges and applications to identify the most appropriate x-ray solution. His experience includes helping manufacturers to reduce the risk of product recalls, increase productivity and lower total cost of ownership.

X-ray Inspection System

X-ray Inspection Systems

Safeline X-ray's product inspection contamination detection equipment minimises product recalls by e...

Metal Detection, X-ray Inspection or Both? | Download Guide

Metal Detection, X-ray or Both?

Learn whether metal detection or x-ray inspection (or both!) is best for preventing foreign body con...

Safeline Metal Detector

Metal Detection Systems

Safeline industrial metal detection systems for a range of conveyorized, pipeline, vertical food pro...

The X2 and X6 Series of X-ray Inspection Systems | Brochure

The X2 and X6 X-ray Inspection Series

The X2 and X6 Series of x-ray systems enhance product safety and quality control with superior detec...

Physical Contamination Detection | METTLER TOLEDO

Physical Contamination Detection

Physical contamination detection in manufacturing is vital for consumer safety. Learn more about phy...