XS1 Checkweigher - Produk diskontinu

High-Throughput Weighing of Small Products

The industry proven, modular design can be enhanced with the full range of software options and accessories available. This allows you to tailor the checkweigher to your specific application requirements. It is particularly service friendly, cutting maintenance time to an absolute minimum and significantly reducing downtime.

Flexible height adjustment, reversible transport direction and optional wheeled mobility package allow this checkweigher to rapidly adapt to your changing production requirements throughout its long service life.

With the "auto setup" software wizard and the user friendly 15" touchscreen interface, very little training is required in setting up the menus. The multilingual user profile and product image functions ensure fast product changeover and fewer operator errors, resulting in a minimum of downtime.

Tidak tersedia lagi sejak: Sep, 2017

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Diganti dengan: C35 AdvancedLine Checkweigher

High performance checkweighing

High performance checkweighing.High performance checkweigher suitable for challenging weighing applications. Advanced FlashCell™ EMFR technology delivers maximum accuracy at throughputs up to 800ppm. The modular design offers customization to effectively handle any package type.

Performance Excellence

This system offers the flexibility to support all product sizes and weighing challenges with maximum precision at fast throughputs.

Product Handling Excellence

Achieve maximum process stability and equipment efficiency through transition, transport, stability and sorting options for any packaging format.

Software and Control Excellence

Exceptional process optimization with a wide range of standard and customizable, sophisticated software enhancements and control options.

Dokumentasi - XS1 Checkweigher


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Service - XS1 Checkweigher

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