IND131/IND331 Weighing Terminal

Untuk kecepatan dan keakuratan dalam aplikasi penimbangan/kontrol di area industri yang aman dan berbahaya

Bantuan apakah yang dapat kami berikan kepada anda?
Hubungi untuk Harga

Pilihan Kontrol yang Fleksibel
Variasi Gaya Housing
Kalibrasi dan Pemfilteran Noise Lanjutan
Standar Global


Model 3-D


IND131/IND331 User's Guide
Proper use of your new equipment according to this Manual and regular calibration and maintenance by our factorytrained service team ensures dependabl...

Studi Kasus

Dairy Safety and Regulatory Compliance
In the dairy industry, it's important to improve productivity whilst responding to factors such as changing customer demands, increasing food safety r...
Accurate and Traceable Weighing
Manufacturers of pharmaceutical products are under pressure to ensure consistent quality and meet legal regulations. Our GWP for Pharma Case Study Col...