ReactIR™ 15 - 已停產產品


ReactIR™ 15 是一個最宜使用的傅立葉變換紅外光譜 (FTIR) 技術,對常規分析、原位反應監測、和化學反應理解都是理想的工具。更新的技術和強實力軟體使得這一 ReactIR™ 能輕易地被任何化學人員使用(無論是否有光譜學專長)。

與其前身 ReactIR™ iC10 相比,ReactIR™ 15 是一個結構更緊湊的反應分析技術平臺,非常適於放進實驗室的通風櫥內。因為重量輕(9 公斤),ReactIRTM 15 便於實驗室之間甚至樓房之間需要時來回攜帶。

ReactIRTM 15 只能配置最新的第四代DS系列採樣技術 — 鹵化銀 (AgX) FiberConduit™ 光纖探頭技術,和用於監測持續化學反應的 DS 微型流通池技術。干涉儀的密封設計避免了繁瑣的管道吹掃以及對潛在性高費用的吹掃氣體之需求。有了DS 取樣技術,您只需接上取樣技術便可進行測量 — 無需調對光路或用其他工具。再沒有比 使用 ReactIR™ 15 進行反應測量更簡單的了。幾乎無需用戶介入,就能即時獲取重要的反應資訊和知識。

METTLER TOLEDO ReactIR 15 reaction monitoring
METTLER TOLEDO ReactIR 15 reaction monitoring

停產於: Dec, 2019


替換品: ReactIR Continuous Flow Analyzer

FTIR Analyzer for Continuous Flow Chemistry Applications

Researchers are increasingly using continuous flow chemistry to develop new reactions and processes with increased specificity, yield and product quality. Optimization of this work is often challenging as offline analytical techniques, such as High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), cannot provide fast enough informa­tion to optimize the reaction in real time.  A dedicated ReactIR Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) instrument for in-situ, real-time monitoring of continuous flow chemistry, enables researchers to save valuable time and materials when screening and optimizing their reactions.

Examples of ReactIR value in continuous flow chemistry include:

  • Oxazole formation
  • Fluorination reaction
  • Accurate control of reagent addition in multi-step segmented flow processes
  • Analysis of a continuous process for alkene ozonolysis

文件 - ReactIR™ 15


ReactIR Sampling Technology
ReactIR in situ sampling technology assures usability in a wide range of batch and continuous reaction conditions.
iC IR Software Datasheet
Use spectroscopic data to increase chemical understanding and knowledge of the chemical process and associated critical parameters.
ConcIRT LIVE for iC Software
Use real time reaction information to characterize reaction performance through identifying and quantifying key reaction species.
iC Quant for iC Software
Predict actual concentrations of key reaction species, even in a complex mixture, in real time to understand reaction performance.
iC Kinetics
Kinetics software describes the characteristics of a chemical reaction. The kinetic model created by the software can be used to simulate the effect o...
ReactIR Instrument Performance Assurance (IPA) Module
Validate ReactIR wavenumber accuracy and calibrate to a Polystyrene standard certified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) fo...


Chemical Synthesis
Chemical synthesis occurs when two or more molecules are combined to form a product molecule that possesses specific properties. There are numerous ex...
chemical process development
Chemical process development and scale-up guide the development of a commercially important molecule from synthesis in the laboratory to manufacturing...
Measuring Polymerization Reactions
Polymerization reaction measurement is crucial to produce material that meets requirements, including Immediate understanding, accurate and reproducib...
Process Analytical Technology (PAT)
Process Analytical Technology (PAT) is a methodology for real-time monitoring and control of chemical processes for improved efficiency and product qu...


iC IR Software
iC IR is used by chemists and engineers to gain important insight into reaction initiation, endpoint, mechanism, pathway, and kinetics.
iC safety software
iC Safety software is designed to speed up and simplify the calculations of thermal safety parameters associated with complex chemical reactions criti...
iC data center
iC Data Center is a powerful tool that improves productivity for the researcher while facilitating knowledge management for the organization.


ReactIR 45m  
To understand and optimize chemical reactions over a wide range of temperature and pressure conditions, chemists and chemical engineers require in-dep...
ReactIR Continuous Flow Analyzer
Researchers are increasingly using continuous flow chemistry to develop new reactions and processes with increased specificity, yield and product qual...
reaction calorimeters
Reaction calorimeters measure the amount of energy released or absorbed by a chemical or physical reaction in chemical and pharmaceutical development.
reaction calorimeters
Reaction calorimeters measure the amount of energy released or absorbed by a chemical or physical reaction in chemical and pharmaceutical development.
ParticleTrack G400
ParticleTrack G400 with FBRM Technology is a probe-based instrument that is inserted directly into laboratory reactors to track changing particle size...

White Papers

Metal Catalyzed Transformations Using In Situ Spectroscopy
This white paper reviews recent advances in organic chemistry using chemical reaction monitoring.
In-Situ Monitoring of Chemical Reactions
'How to do more with less?' is a constant topic in chemical development laboratories as researchers need to quickly and cost-effectively deliver chemi...
Understand and Control Bioprocesses
Inline process analytical technology increases yield and product quality and improves the understanding of bioprocesses. Our white paper discusses the...

配件 - ReactIR™ 15

詳細說明- ReactIR™ 15