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Continuous manufacturing technology, or flow chemistry, provides a potentially highly controlled and data-rich environment for the development of robust manufacturing routes to complex molecules. Further, the technology can be leveraged to deliver low cost manufacturing plants and significantly simplified tech transfer. Realizing the benefits from continuous manufacturing technologies requires chemical, analytical and engineering expertise. The development of appropriate scale-down models for continuous manufacturing further complicates the efficient development of continuous manufacturing processes. The utility of the application of various process analytical technologies to the lab scale design and developing continuous processes for the pharmaceutical and fine chemical industries will be discussed. Case studies highlighting solutions and challenges of developing flow chemistry processes will be presented.
Continuous flow chemistry can be used for potentially hazardous reactions, including:
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Eric Fang
Director of Chemistry - Snapdragon Chemistry, Inc.
After completing his B.Sc. at Fudan University in Shanghai China, Eric Fang moved to Canada to pursue his M.Sc. degree in inorganic chemistry at the University of Waterloo and Ph.D. in organic chemistry at the University of Toronto with Professor Mark Lautens. After furthering his academic training as an NSERC Postdoc Fellow at Harvard University with Professor Eric Jacobsen, Eric joined Amgen as a process chemist in Cambridge, MA, where he developed processes for multiple clinic candidates. Eric led Amgen’s internal effort for small molecule continuous manufacturing technology. After nearly 7 years at Amgen, Eric joined Snapdragon Chemistry, Inc., and currently holds the position as Director of Chemistry.