XD3 Checkweigher - منتج متوقف

Highly Reliable, Accurate and Economical

The XD3 checkweigher offers accuracy from ± 200 mg and can provide real time access to production results to help keep your processes on target. A complete offering o production monitoring and control, safety, and line integration options help you manage and improve your production line Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE).

The XD3 delivers great flexibility in conveyor sizes, conveyor speed, direction of travel, product handling, and the line height to ensure easy integration into existing lines.  The simple “no tools” design provides easy access for inspection, maintenance or cleaning.

The 7" color touchscreen user interface has a very intuitive and easy to use system. This makes product setup and changeover procedures both fast and efficient, thereby minimizing downtime and operator training requirements.

Discontinued since: Sep, 2017

طلب أسعار

حل محله: C31 StandardLine Checkweigher

Essential, reliable checkweighing

Essential, reliable checkweighing.Affordable checkweigher ideally suited to replace spot checks with 100% inline weight control. The easy to use system offers reliable performance for food and non-food applications in dry and wet environments.

Reliable Performance

Standardized, modular design with either IP54 or IP65 rating. A variety of standardized mechanical and software options support individual needs.

Intuitive Operation

A robust 7" color touchscreen offers intuitive operation in 30 languages. Machine messages are communicated as clear text.

Quick and Easy Installation

Pre-configured machine height, conveyor length, recipe memory as well as weighing limits and tolerances support the easy installation of the system.

الوثائق - XD3 Checkweigher


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