XE3 CC Checkweigher Combination System - منتج متوقف

In-line Weighing and Metal Detection – In One Process

While the checkweigher measures product weights quickly and precisely, rejecting "out of tolerance" products, the metal detector reliably detects and rejects products contaminated by metal. Common contaminants detected range from nuts and bolts, right down to small metal filings, staples, needles or pieces of wire. The rejection of "bad" products is ensured by two rejecting devices – a system which allows separate rejection of metal-contaminated and off-weight products.

The modular concept has been designed to allow the inclusion of a very large range of options and accessories and readily enable customisation for your specific application requirements.

The XE3 CC checkweigher has a particularly compact design and small footprint. This makes it perfect for applications where factory floor space is at a premium and allows simple integration into your existing production line.

Discontinued since: Sep, 2017

طلب أسعار

حل محله: CM33 PlusLine Checkweigher

Robust Performance

Robust Performance.

Product Handling Flexibility

Highly customizable with 180 performance and productivity enhancing options. Wide selection of product handling variants to ensure smooth product flow

Performance in Challenging Environments

Designed for endurance and maximum reliability in wet, dry and harsh environments. Specialized conveyors designed to match production conditions.

Advanced Metal Detector Integration

Combination system with a large range of advanced Safeline metal detectors. Due diligence solutions make it ideal as a CCP for best possible quality.

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