Dimensioning Head TLD950MH

Dimensioning Head TLD950MH

Recover More Revenue, Reduce Rejects.The TLD950 MultiHead dimensioner measures parcels of any shape in high-speed sorting environments. Delivering the best read rates in its class, the TLD950 MultiHead maximizes revenue recovery and reduces sorting errors caused by no-reads.

The Industry Leader in Read Rates

Accurately measure the widest range of dark, shiny and reflective parcels at the highest read rates. Where some dimensioners struggle, the TLD950 excels.

Simple System Setup

A powerful, internal processor eliminates the need for an external PC. Data drop is fast and seamless, while fewer parts reduce the risk of failure.

Designed for Uptime

Optimally designed quality and service features work together, ensuring uptime. Benefit from low-maintenance configurations and fast, easy replacement.

Material No.: 26556033

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Secure Connectivity

InfoSec compliance ensures data integrity, network safety and system protection.

Designed for the Future

Real-time point cloud technology streams thousands of 3D data points per second, providing the most accurate dimensions and object characteristics to create advanced applications for sophisticated hub and warehouse management.


Specifications - Dimensioning Head TLD950MH

Dimensional Accuracy (LxWxH)
MID: ± 5x5x2 mm, NTEP: ± 0.2x0.2x0.1 in, MC: ± 0.2x0.2x0.1 in
Max. LFT Size (LxWxH)
MID: 400x160x120 cm, NTEP: 157.4x63x43 in, MC: 158x63x47 in
Min. LFT Size (LxWxH)
MID: 5x5x2 cm, NTEP: 2.4x2.4x1.2 in, MC: 2.4x2.4x1.2 in
Object Shape
Cuboidals and irregular shapes
Object Surface
Most surfaces, including black, shiny and reflective materials
MID: 0-3.3 m/s, NTEP: 0-655 ft/min, MC: 0-655 ft/min
Conveyor Types
Standard flat conveyor and cross-belts
Class II (2)
Operating Temperature
MID: -10 - +50°C, NTEP: 14-122°F
Light Source
Laser diode, red, wavelength 660 nm
Singulated flow
Dimensioning Method





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Dimensioning Head TLD950MH