Accurate Food Checkweighing Solutions

Ensuring high throughput in compliance-critical applications

Today’s food processors and manufacturers are constantly pushed by tighter production tolerances and cost pressures. At the same time, they must ensure absolute product safety for consumers and the protection of their brand. Well-designed checkweighing solutions should be future-proof, easy to clean, and highly adaptable to individual customer requirements. Numerous features are available to raise Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), support compliance with global legislation and regulations and save costs.


Perfect Pizza 的三種技術
為了保持競爭力,Heinrichsthaler 公司不斷最佳化自己的生產設施效率。 五台組合檢重機與金屬偵測系統安裝的目的在於作為熱成型與管狀袋製造機下游的關鍵檢查點。
Kuchenmeister 信賴產品檢測設備
Kuchenmeister 信賴 METTLER TOLEDO 產品檢測設備檢測其烘培產品應用,已長達 20 年。
為了符合德國的成品包裝標準 (即《預先包裝商品法規》(FPVO)),Lugato GmbH & Co. KG 公司選擇使用經官方認可的 METTLER TOLEDO XS40 檢重機。 因為採用這套系統,該公司即可保證他們可以持續地檢查指定的標稱重量,並確保製程快速且順暢地執行。