XS3 CC H Checkweigher Combination System - 단종 제품

The Hygiene Standard for Highest Demands

While the checkweigher measures product weights quickly and precisely, rejecting "out of tolerance" products, the metal detector reliably detects and rejects products contaminated by metal. Common contaminants detected range from nuts and bolts, right down to small metal filings, staples, needles or pieces of wire. The rejection of "bad" products is ensured by two rejecting devices – a system which allows separate rejection of metal-contaminated and off-weight products.

The checkweighing function is performed using a fully functional and globally proven Garvens XS3 checkweigher. This ensures highly accurate dynamic weight measurement with an accuracy from ±0.2 g. 

Product and water build-up is minimised by avoiding level surfaces on the conveyor and weighcell supports, as well as the exclusive use of circular tubes on the horizontal section of the frame. The minimal contact conveyor support clamps and open frame construction facilitate easy cleaning. Seam welding improves hygiene and reduces the risk of bacteria build-up. With the reduced number of support legs, hygienically designed cable runs and an additional "customer's cable" duct, Garvens offer a flexible system specifically to your requirements.

단종일: Sep, 2017

견적 문의

대체할 문구: CM35 AdvancedLine Checkweigher

정밀성 및 유연성

정밀성 및 유연성.

맞춤화된 제품 처리

성능 및 생산성을 강화하는 250가지 옵션으로 완벽하게 맞춤 가능합니다. 제품 처리 모델에 대한 완벽한 선택으로 가장 원활한 제품 흐름 제공

까다로운 환경에서 최고의 성능

습하고 건조하며 열악한 작업 환경에서 최고의 내구성과 신뢰성을 제공하도록 설계되었습니다. 특수 컨베이어로 모든 생산 환경에 적합합니다.

고급 금속 검출기 통합

넓은 범위의 고급 Safeline 금속 검출기를 포함한 복합 시스템. 실사 솔루션은 최상의 품질을 위한 CCP로 이상적입니다.

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