Conduit K4

Material No.: 14106912

Liquid-Based Reaction Monitoring of High Temperature and Pressure Chemistry in the Lab and Plant
견적 문의
사양 - Conduit K4
17 in


데이터 쉬트

ReactIR 샘플링 기술
ReactIR 현장 샘플링 기술은 다양한 배치 및 연속 반응 조건에서의 사용성을 보장합니다.
ReactIR DS Micro Flow Technology
Measure and monitor continuous flow chemistry with DS Micro Flow Technology.
ReactIR 기기 성능 보증(IPA) 모듈
ReactIR 파수 정확도를 데이터 정확도를 위해 미국 표준기술원(NIST)에서 인증한 폴리스티렌 표준에 따라 검증하고 교정합니다.

Product Brochures

ReactIR Brochure
Understand reaction chemistry with ReactIR In Situ FTIR spectroscopy

Extended Product Documentation

ReactIR™ Spectroscopy in Peer-Reviewed Publications
This free Citation List presents an extensive list of peer-reviewed publications related to the use of in-situ ReactIR spectroscopy for the advancemen...
Monitoring of Reaction Mechanisms
Data is collected in the mid-infrared spectral region, which provide a characteristic fingerprint absorbance that is associated with fundamental vibr...




견적 요청
Conduit K4