KF kit for Rondo 20 sample changer - منتج متوقف

Discontinued since: Dec, 2021

Automate volumetric Karl Fischer titrations

The Karl Fischer kit can be used for automatic moisture determination of up to 20 samples with a Rondo sample changer and a Titration Excellence titrator.
طلب أسعار

حل محله: Karl Fischer Kit for T70 and T90 Excellence Titrators

Everything needed for volumetric Karl Fischer titration is available in one kit including the titration stand with vessel, sensor, cables and tubes, the Solvent Manager for One Click solvent exchange and all small accessories. Simply choose a burette size and add Karl Fischer titration to your general titrator.


المواصفات - KF kit for Rondo 20 sample changer

رقم/أرقام المواد 51108015
The Karl Fischer Kit for Rondo 20 transforms a standard Rondo 20 within minutes into a sample changer for Karl Fischer Titrations.

The conversion can be accomplished by the user himself and does not need special tools or knowledge. After the conversion, the system allows the automation of up to 20 samples in combination with a Titration Excellence titrator. The samples are processed the following way:

  1. Samples are filled into the special glass beakers.
  2. The beakers are tightly closed with an aluminium lid and a rubber ring.
  3. Before titration, the KF head of Rondo 20 pinches through the lid, fills in the methanol.
  4. After mixing with the magnetic stirrer, the sample is titrated.

The system allows highly precise measurements of water contents down to 100 ppm. The conversion back into a standard Rondo 20 is possible anytime.
Standard equipment of the kit:
51108089 .... Karl Fischer head
51108070 .... dispensing tube
51107699 .... KF electrode DM143
51108061 .... electrode cable
51108125 .... set of 20 KF glass beakers
20 x 51108298 20 rubbber rings
51108139 .... set of 500 aluminium covers
20 x 51190950 20 magnetic stirrer bars
51108083 .... burette tip holder
00070718 .... Allen key
Additional components needed:
Rondo 20 sample changer
METTLER TOLEDO Titration Excellence titrator
Magnetic stirrer (51108011)





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