Webinar: Compliant Moisture Analysis in Pharma Industry

Can the Drying Oven Method Be Replaced by Fast Halogen Moisture Analysis?

Webinar summary

This webinar focuses on presenting a fast and reliable moisture analysis method for the pharma industry, alternative to the drying oven.

In this webinar, our METTLER TOLEDO moisture expert, Annika Baier, explains and provides practical guidance of how halogen moisture analysis can replace the loss on drying (LoD) using a drying oven method, in order to speed up and simplify the analysis in a pharma lab.


In this webinar you will learn:

  • What is moisture content determination and why moisture content is important
  • What are the most common methods of moisture content analysis
  • How loss on drying (LoD) with a drying oven works
  • How to measure moisture content with a halogen moisture analyzer
  • How to replace the drying oven method with a moisture analyzer
  • The official guidelines for moisture analysis in the pharma industry
  • How to compare the two given methods based on process requirements or statistical analysis