معرفة الكيفية

21st Century Pipette Management

معرفة الكيفية

Simplify Your Lab Life

Advances in laboratory automation can reduce the amount of time you spend managing pipette calibration and recordkeeping by as much as 80%.

For optimal results – and effective SOP compliance – pipettes need to be on a regular program for calibration and maintenance. But that's easier said than done. From tracking down pipettes and keeping spreadsheets up to date, to maintaining calibration certificates, pipette management is a tedious process and prone to errors.

METTLER TOLEDO to the rescue! EasyDirect Pipette Asset Management Software is a powerful, purpose-built pipette management system that automates data collection and organizes your pipette records.

  • Track inventory – With an effective pipette asset management system, you know the age, location, users and usage of every pipette in your inventory.

  • Manage calibration – EasyDirect offers so many ways to quickly evaluate your pipette inventory, optimizing which pipettes to calibrate and when is a snap.

  • Simplify recordkeeping – Stop keying serial numbers and service dates into Excel! EasyDirect continuously collects pipette data via Rainin SmartStands, so your records are always up to date.

How much time will you save?

See our "Pipette Management Simplified" fact sheet to see how much time you'll save on a number of pipette management tasks.

Find out more

EasyDirect's is so easily adaptable, let's talk about how it can help with your lab's unique needs.