
Get the System that Best Fits Your Needs

An informed purchaser considers more than just the initial price when comparing dimensioning, weighing and scanning solutions. Read rate, throughput and reliability will all have a direct impact on business and return on investment for years to come.


Revenue recovery
Revenue recovery
Get the System that Best Fits Your Needs
Revenue recovery

Calculating the total cost of ownership over the life of a DWS (dimensioning, weighing, scanning) system should factor in system performance, downtime, service costs and the added revenue it brings to your business. When choosing a system you should look for:

Highest possible read rate

Do you handle difficult-to-measure items such as parcels covered in black plastic? Are a lot of your parcels irregular in shape? Make sure you choose a dimensioner that can accurately measure all items, maximize your revenue recovery and reduce rejects.

Legal-for-trade measurement of all parcels

Accurate, repeatable results are important when it comes to legal-for-trade invoicing. Choose a system with the best legal-for-trade approvals. Do you measure a large number of flats? Make sure your dimensioner is approved to measure as small as possible to recover revenue on those items too.

Maximum throughput

By increasing throughput you can process and recover revenue on more parcels per shift. Maximize the capacity of your DWS system with features that help to optimize throughput such as dual-scale weighing and a flexible weighing point.

System uptime

If your DWS system goes down, it stops generating money for your business. Choose a system that is robust in design and that comes with features designed to ensure uptime. This includes remote monitoring and service, strengthened components and easy part-replacement. When you do, you will protect your investment and avoid costly downtime.