
Manual Tickets? Old Software? There's a Better Way

Is your weighbridge management software slowing down your operation? Handwritten tickets and outdated software are inefficient and leave you vulnerable to human error and tampering. Luckily, there is a better way: DataBridgeTM management software.   


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Manual Tickets? Old Software? There's a Better Way
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As a scale house operator, facility manager or business owner, the last thing you want to deal with is issues at your truck scale. METTLER TOLEDO has solved the reliability issues that often plague weighbridges with POWERCELL® digital technology load cells.

DataBridge™ management software is the second half of the ideal solution for managing your business, helping to combat the most common issues that come from dated inventory tracking systems and handwritten tickets. Saving you time, frustration, rework and inventory loss, DataBridge™ technology is well worth your investment.

Let's take a look at a few of the software's most noteworthy benefits:

Manual Tickets? Old Software? There's a Better Way
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  1. Tracking and Reporting – Advanced transaction history and a variety of analytical tools allow you to see the bigger picture of the business flowing over your truck scale. This valuable information can then be used by other departments, such as finance, accounting, logistics, etc., to monitor inventory and transactions in real time.
  2. Easy-to-Use Interface – Much like the touchscreens used to check out at the grocery store, DataBridge™ software was designed to be user-friendly and easy-to-learn. The intuitive interface also allows for custom applications to be integrated into the software programming, for example a virtual touch pad for driver signatures.
  3. Remote Monitoring –  Breach detection technology with POWERCELL® PDX® load cells plus remote monitoring capabilities from DataBridge™ allows you to remotely monitor the activity at your scale and alerts you at the first sign of any problems to head off costly downtime.
  4. Fraud Prevention – Functions such as the live-weight curve, tare-weight history, transaction-time limits, user permissions and individual logins help to prevent fraud at the scale and hold each driver and operator accountable.
Manual Tickets? Old Software? There's a Better Way
Manage smarter

Do not let issues with your truck scale distract you from your busy day. With advanced technology from METTLER TOLEDO, your operation can be more streamlined than ever before.