
New Experimental Techniques in Organic Synthesis


Better Information Leads to Better Science

oxidation of Benzaldoximes to Benzohydroximinoyl Chlorides
oxidation of Benzaldoximes to Benzohydroximinoyl Chlorides
The white paper - New Experimental Techniques in Organic Synthesis - demonstrates how new technology aided the safe and scalable oxidation of Benzaldoximes to Benzohydroximinoyl Chlorides. The context in which the technology was used and where it delivered key information to researchers in order to help complete the organic synthesis investigations is discussed.

New and innovative ways to deliver cost-competitive research and development activities are demonstrated focusing on three key areas:
  • Quality – the deployment of better science leading to the development of better reactions or more robust processes.
  • Cost – reducing costs lead to overall lower cost per kg for the process under development.
  • Speed – increased speed contributes to cost-competitive research and development.