
Faster Calibration and Adjustment with Thermal Analysis Software


Flexcal Automatically Selects the Right Calibration and Adjustment Parameters – Temperature, Measuring Cell and Sensors – For All Crucible, Gas and Module Combinations

FlexCal® - cuts calibration and adjustment time to a minimum

This video explains the concept of FlexCal®. FlexCal® is a time-saving tool that allows you to achieve very accurate results under different or changing measurement conditions, without the need to spend a lot of time on for instrument adjustment and calibration.

This video shows you how to make use of FlexCal® – a time-saving feature on METTLER TOLEDO's thermal analysis software, which allows you to achieve very accurate results under different or changing measurement conditions, without the need to spend a lot of time on instrument adjustment and calibration.

In the STARe system, for each combination of instrument, crucible and gas type; the software stores a complete adjustment data record in the database. When a method is selected in an experiment, the software sends the corresponding parameter sets to the module. This ensures that even for gas switching, the correct data records are applied.

FlexCal is even capable of the mathematically estimating parameters in case adjustment parameters in the database are lacking.

With FlexCal, a standard feature on STARe Software, users can be confident in their results – independent of selected heating rates, gas or crucible types.

More TA software information can be found on our website where you may also download and test the free TA evaluation software

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