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This webinar focuses on how to optimize separations, fouling, and tailings management to reduce exploration and production costs in dark crude oil at standard operating temperatures and pressures, without sampling or sample dilution.
Multiphase pipeline flow often occurs under extreme temperature and pressure conditions making offline sampling and analysis difficult or impossible. Offline samples are often manipulated through dilution or dispersion which can alter or destroy multiphase components and offline measurements often cannot be applied to make real-time process optimization and control decisions. In situ particle characterization technology enables the measurement of particle phase behavior inline without pulling samples.
Due to growing demand worldwide for petroleum-based fuels, energy industries have to increasingly rely on heavy oil reserves that pose significant challenges in production, transportation and refining. Typical features of heavy crude oil e.g. high viscosity, strong emulsion tendency, high amount of solids/contaminants etc. require novel methodologies to:
With in situ particle characterization technology, the lab researcher and field operator can track the entire dynamic particle and droplet system in dark crude oil at standard operating temperatures and pressures, without sampling or sample dilution. This enables engineers to:
Applications presented during the webinar include: