PS60 (60公斤最大稱量值) - 已停產產品

停產於: May, 2017

The ideal scale for your parcel shipping needs

PS60 是以電腦為基礎的運輸公司運輸系統的理想之選。這款秤和 UPS、FedEx、DHL、Airborne 以及其他貨運快遞公司的應用軟體完全相容。現在還配備了 RS232 和 USB連接!



詳細說明 - PS60 (60公斤最大稱量值)

{searchattributeslabels/searchCapacityMetricLabel} 60 {unitsofmeasurementlabels/kg}
{searchattributeslabels/searchCapacityEnglishLabel} 150 {unitsofmeasurementlabels/lb}
{searchattributeslabels/searchReadabilityMetricLabel} 0.02 or 0.01 {unitsofmeasurementlabels/kg}
{searchattributeslabels/searchReadabilityEnglishLabel} 0.05 or 0.02 {unitsofmeasurementlabels/lb}

PS60包裹秤是PS系列秤產品之一。這款秤最大稱量值 150 磅(60公斤)和高強度外觀設計,使其成為現今包裹運輸公司的理想之選。它可以很方便地連接到電腦上,並且和所有貨運快遞公司應用軟體相容。現在還具備 USB 連接!

PS60 已經得到 NTEP 認證,因此可以在商業應用領域合法使用。NTEP 採用嚴格的標準,從而確保每個貼有其標誌的衡器的高精確性和可靠性。

我們具有專利的 GEOCAL 標定功能省去了昂貴的現場標定費用。競爭對手的產品需要專業技術人員到現場對其衡器進行標定。GEOCAL 可以確保精確的標定,而無需雇用費用昂貴的專業技術人員。
PS60配備容易閱讀的大 LCD 顯示板,還具備視角調整功能。


NTEP  NTEP  Measurement Canada   UL




More Information

PS Scale Technical Assistance

You can contact us through the Request more information button on the Overview tab, or by telephone. The PS scale team will respond promptly to the on-line request form. When calling on the phone, please be at your scale and PC.

Please be ready to provide the following information:
  • Scale model, Ram and Serial Number (S/N) from the data label. [Remove platter to access data label]

  • Carrier software name and version number.
Or you can call METTLER TOLEDO Technical Assistance: 800-786-0038. Follow prompts for Service and Industrial.

PS Scale family technical assistance

You can contact us by email, through our on-line contact form, and by telephone. The PS scale team will respond promptly to email and on-line form requests.


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On-line contact form

Fill out the on-line form here.

Telephone contact

Contact technical support for PS Scales at 1-800-786-0812. Our Customer Supports Specialists can assist you with:

- Placing an order
- Product inquiries
- Technical support and installation
- Order or shipment information