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Scales Calculate Wages—Fast and Fair

In the seafood industry, worker wages are computed based on productivity. Ensuring an efficient and fair system is not easy, but manual checkweighing scales with data capabilities reduce process time and ensure that workers are fairly paid.

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Fish trimming
Scales Calculate Wages—Fast and Fair

The Thailand-based fish producer C.P. Pokphand  had a wages system in place that was based upon hand- written results. Individual workers who processed and weighed fish recorded results by hand. That created more than 2,000 records per day and left room for errors. Paper records sometimes were lost or damaged in the wet environment.

Fast scales, WLAN and software

CP Vietnam contacted METTLER TOLEDO about eliminating its data-related challenges. They installed a series of PBA42x-BB30 platforms connected to ICS6 terminals, along with WLAN recording capabilities and DatabICS software. In combination with customized software developed by METTLER TOLEDO Vietnam, CP Vietnam now has a professional method for recording worker productivity.

Scales Calculate Wages—Fast and Fair
ICS Database

Creating security and accuracy

Weights are automatically saved to alibi memory in ICS terminals, creating surety around data. Administrator, supervisor and operator permissions mean unauthorized personnel cannot change procedures, calibration or results.

Recording staff log in and out so results can be traced. WLAN transmits results via WiFi, making it easy to transfer and process captured data. Software safeguards ensure that weighing procedures are carried out correctly and production data, including personal weighing records or customer names, are secured and quickly transmitted to the management software.

70% less effort

Using the new system, CP Vietnam estimates that it has reduced the amount of time workers spend handling weighing-related data by about 70 percent. Better product processing has reduced the amount of manpower required, allowing management to pay workers better wages while securing bottom-line savings for C.P. Pokphand as a whole.