PS3L邮政秤(70磅/ 30公斤容量)(英文) - 退市产品

Combined letter and parcel weighing for USPS customers

The PS3L scale is equipped with advanced load cell technology and sophisticated electronics to weigh both small letters and heavy parcels on the same scale. The scale has multi-interval capability and the ability to adjust automatically to a different range for higher weight resolution when needed - like having multiple scales in one.

停止自: May, 2017


附件 - PS3L邮政秤(70磅/ 30公斤容量)(英文)

下载 - PS3L邮政秤(70磅/ 30公斤容量)(英文)

PS Scale Technical Assistance

You can contact us through the Request more information button on the Overview tab, or by telephone. The PS scale team will respond promptly to the on-line request form. When calling on the phone, please be at your scale and PC.

Please be ready to provide the following information:
  • Scale model, Ram and Serial Number (S/N) from the data label. [Remove platter to access data label]

  • Carrier software name and version number.
Or you can call METTLER TOLEDO Technical Assistance: 800-786-0038. Follow prompts for Service and Industrial.

PS Scale family technical assistance

You can contact us by email, through our on-line contact form, and by telephone. The PS scale team will respond promptly to email and on-line form requests.


Send your questions or feedback and comments to

On-line contact form

Fill out the on-line form here.

Telephone contact

Contact technical support for PS Scales at 1-800-786-0812. Our Customer Supports Specialists can assist you with:

- Placing an order
- Product inquiries
- Technical support and installation
- Order or shipment information

规格- PS3L邮政秤(70磅/ 30公斤容量)(英文)