LabX Software Care

LabX Software Care

Keep Your Software Updated

+44 116 234 0484
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Software Care – Contracts for Your Needs

Services Included

SoftwareCare Comprehensive
Software Evolution – Updates and Upgrades
Notification of and access to new software releases within the purchased license deck:
  • Improved system reliability and uptime
  • Compliance with changing regulations and standards
  • Enhanced functionality for more efficient operation

Deploy Software Remotely
Electronic deployment of new software releases:
  • Scheduled, controlled and efficient software distribution process

Support Software Remotely
Technical assistance via remote methods (telephone, email and chat):
  • Fast and efficient support for setup and operational questions
  • Minimal interruption of normal business processes

Deploy Software On-site
Professional software updates and configuration by factory trained technicians. Testing of proper system operations to confirm reliable operation:
  • Professional deployment and initiation of new software releases

Repair Software On-site
On-site support to for setup and operational questions. User familiarization with new functionality:
  • Ensured software and system operation

*Software services are not available in all regions.
Please contact your METTLER TOLEDO sales representative for more information.