

Heiztischmikroskopie für Polymorphie-Studien, Flüssigkristall-Messungen und Polymerkristallisationen

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Produkte & Daten

Produkte & Daten
With optional cooling
Heating rate
Light aperture
Measuring sensor type
Mehr Details
TemperaturbereichRT ... 375 °C
With optional cooling-90 °C ... 375 °C
Heating rate0.1 ... 20 K/min
Light aperture2 mm
Measuring sensor type-
Sample carriersSlides / Top glass
Abmessungen (L x B x H)76 x 19 x 1
Base diameter / volume15 x 15 x 0.2 mm
AnzeigeTouch-sensitive 7'' VGA color screen
LanguagesGerman, English, French, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Russian
Shortcuts (One Click™)12 per user
Standards satisfiedASTM F766, EN ISO 3146
Mehr Details
TemperaturbereichRT ... 375 °C
Heating rate0.1 ... 20 K/min
Light aperture2 mm
Measuring sensor typeDSC ceramic sensor, 56 thermocouples
Sample carriersAluminum, glass and sapphire crucibles
Base diameter / volume6mm / 40 µL
AnzeigeTouch-sensitive 7'' VGA color screen
LanguagesGerman, English, French, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Russian
Shortcuts (One Click™)12 per user
Standards satisfiedASTM F766, EN ISO 3146



Excellence Microscope Hot-Stages Brochure
Heiztischmikroskopie ist eine leistungsfähige Methode, die sehr breit eingesetzt wird, um alle möglichen thermischen Übergänge visuell zu untersuchen....


Datasheet: Thermomechanical Analysis Sample Robot
Unlock the full potential of your TMA system with METTLER TOLEDO's advanced Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA) Sample Robot.
Datasheet: DSC-Microscopy System
Enhance your DSC analysis with METTLER TOLEDO's microscopy system. Visualize thermal transitions, identify effects, and improve result interpretation...
Datasheet: The MultiSTAR DSC Sensor Family
The sensor is the heart of any DSC measuring cell. Ideally, a modern DSC sensor should be very sensitive, have a fast response, a flat baseline, and y...
Datasheet: Thermal Analysis Repair Service
Fast intervention and turnaround time is the key to maximizing your thermal analysis system’s uptime. Learn about our expert manufacturer repair servi...
Datasheet: Thermal Analysis Training Service
From basic to expert, on-site to online, discover the ideal thermal analysis training for laboratory technicians and research scientists.
Datasheet: Comprehensive Installation / Qualification - Thermal Analysis Service
Operational and functional testing procedures are performed and documented on site by an authorized service specialist.
Datasheet: TMA-Sorption System
This datasheet details the main features and benefits of the TMA-Sorption option. Real world application examples show what type of measurement can be...
Datasheet: TGA Evolved Gas Analysis
The combination of TGA with a mass spectrometer (MS) or a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR) allows the nature of the gaseous reaction pro...
Datasheet: TGA-EGA
TGA-MS, TGA-FTIR, TGA-GC/MS and TGA-Micro GC/MS are powerful techniques that yield both quantitative (mass analysis, absorbance) and qualitative (iden...
Datasheet: Thermal Analysis Services
METTLER TOLEDO offers a wealth of educational resources for thermal analysis, including webinars, e-trainings, videos and over 600 published applicati...


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Nach Angaben der International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ICTAC) umfasst die thermische Analyse eine Reihe von Verfahren, in denen eine physikalische Eigenschaft einer Substanz als Funktion der Temperatur gemessen wird, während die Substanz einem kontrollierten Temperaturprogramm unterzogen wird.

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