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Smart Assembly Workplace: Weighing
Modules Bring Accuracy


Whenever completeness matters, weighing is a simple and
reliable solution for quality control.

Smart Assembly Workplace with Weigh Modules
Smart Assembly Workplace with Weigh Modules

Support picking and assembling operations with operator guidance and intelligent assistance system. This solution guides operators through the assembly process and can be equipped with lighted directions for easy picking. Weighing modules control piece counts to ensure correct picking. Assistance systems can extend operators' capabilities and lead to better quality products and are often used for

  • Assembly of particularly complex products
  • Quality control of assembled devices
  • Training of new staff

Get in contact with your manual workplace system integrator to find the best solution for your needs.

Quality Control at manual workstations

Every bin of the automatic inventory control system is equipped with a weigh module. The system checks the weight of the bin to determine if the operator picked the correct amount from the right container. Additionally, it updates the content after each pick and can transmit the data to the MES.

Weight-based parts control offers flexibility for workstation setups

Weighing modules offer installation that is flexible to the needs in your operation, whether you are integrating the sensors into shelves, mobile point-of-use racks or manual workplaces. These solutions allow remote access and visibility to your actual parts levels. Combined with digital connectivity for easy integration into existing ERP networks, they help you to track inventory levels, analyze the quality of manual assemblies, find savings potential and discover improvement opportunities for your lean efforts.

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