
The new X34C X-ray System


Designed for the inspection of small, individually wrapped product

Video | X34C X-ray Inspection System

Video | X34C X-ray Inspection System

Created specifically for the inspection of small, individually wrapped products such as pharmaceutical blister packs and cereal bars, the X34C combines a small footprint and optimized focal distance to provide excellent detection of contaminants or non-conforming individually wrapped products.  

The X34C has been designed with three key principles in mind: a compact footprint, high-speed capabilities and precise performance. These principles are tailored to address some of the key problems faced by manufacturers.

Compact: The X34C is a single lane solution. At only 700mm long, it is among the smallest footprint X-ray inspection systems on the market. This addresses the issue of limited line space available on production lines. Maintenance activities are simplified through easy access from the front of the machine. 

High-Speed: With line speeds of 120m/minute, the X34C can keep pace with other production line systems without the risk of slowing productivity and throughput. 0.4 millimeter diodes and a 100 watt Optimum Power Generator support high production line speeds and provide excellent levels of detection sensitivity. 

Precise: With ContamPlus™ x-ray inspection software from METTLER TOLEDO, the X34C delivers enhanced detection levels, increases probability of detection and reduces product waste. The software uses up to 30 individual contaminant detection algorithms to enable superior detection.