Artículo técnico

pH, Zeta and Froth: The Value of pH Control in Mineral Flotation

Artículo técnico
White Paper: Value of pH Control in Mineral Flotation
White Paper: Value of pH Control in Mineral Flotation

Froth flotation is arguably the most important, widely used mineral separation or concentration process. However, the quantity and cost of the chemicals involved in this technique are substantial. Precise measurement and accurate control of pH level is crucial, not only to minimize chemical use, but also to maximize yield and efficiency.

Most mineral ores only partly contain valuable content. The desirable element consists of minerals that are metallic and/ or non-metallic in nature, and the rest is worthless material referred to as gangue. Froth flotation is a process used for separating the valuable minerals from the gangue, or for separating different valuable minerals from each other. The technique is based on wettability of particles. In direct flotation, the aim is to allow valuable minerals to obtain an affinity for air rather than water. In other words, the minerals are made hydrophobic whilst the gangue remains, or is made, hydrophilic.

Find more information in the White paper.