Crucible Light, 20 uL, Al, 100 pcs

Crucible Light, 20 uL, Al, 100 pcs

Aluminum 20 μL pan with lid.Aluminum Crucibles

Light aluminum pan with lid

Aluminum is the most frequently used pan material for DSC measurements. The light aluminum pan has the shortest signal time constant.

Excellent Thermal Conductivity

The pan is particularly suitable for measuring polymer films and powders. This pan type cannot be sealed hermetically.

Lid handling of the pan (I)

The lid can also be placed base-down into the pan. In this way, preloaded samples are pressed down towards the base.

Material No.: 51119810

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Al 20 μL pan description

The crucible has similar outer dimensions as the standard crucble (6.0 mm base; 1.6 mm height). However the mass of the pan (with 14 mg) and lid (9 mg) is clearly reduced.

Plunger/die set for sealing

For the light (20 uL) crucibles, a special die/plunger set has to be used (ArtNo: 51140547).

Lid handling of light pan (II)

To press substances even more tightly to the base of the pan, the lid is often inverted and sealed with the crucible press.

Lid handling of light pan (III)

The narrow space between the pan and the lid leads to the formation of a self-generated atmosphere. Piercing the lid beforehand allows contact with the external atmosphere.

Aluminum background information (I)

Aluminum crucibles have a high purity of 99.9%. The maximum usage temperature of the crucibles is 640 °C. At the surface, a thin alumina (Al2O3) layer forms if the crucibles are kept in an ambient atmosphere.

Aluminum background information (II)

"... However, this alumina layer is not always perfect; therefore, experts recommend treating crucibles for critical experiments for about 15 min at 400 °C in an air atmosphere. A hazardous substance in combination with aluminum is mercury (poison for Al)."


Specifications - Crucible Light, 20 uL, Al, 100 pcs

20 µL
Measuring Technique
Maximum Temperature
640 °C
Maximum Pressure
0.2 MPa
Number of Pieces
with Lids
Beaker Volume
20 µL


Product Brochures

Brochure: Crucibles for Thermal Analysis
Crucibles serve as containers for samples during DSC and TGA measurements. They guarantee that the sensor is not contaminated during the measurement.




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Crucible Light, 20 uL, Al, 100 pcs