DL22 Food and Beverage Analyzer

DL22 Food and Beverage Analyzer - Discontinued Product

Discontinued since: Sep, 2013
The DL22 Food and Beverage Analyzer is a specialized titrator for the food and beverage industry. It includes the methods most commonly used in these industries, with predefined parameters, making life as easy as possible.
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Replaced with: G20 Compact Titrator

The Compact Titrator G20 combines simplicity and dependability in one instrument. It is especially designed for basic routine applications and can be operated as simple as possible.


Specifications - DL22 Food and Beverage Analyzer

Material Number(s) 51109351
Trade Name DL22,low end,Titrator
The whole range of food & beverage titration analyses
  • Salt contents are crucial for the right taste and your success: Salt content (chloride) in ketchup, potato chips, pickled cucumbers, mayonnaise, salad dressing, cheese, vegetable juices.
  • Everywhere pH is important for controlling certain steps in production: Measure pH in fruit juice, wine, milk, cheese.
  • The right concentration of acids is one of the many parameters that can be easily monitored: Acid content (aqueous) in  fruit juice, wine, cereals, salad dressing, soft drinks, condiments.
  • Fresh water is involved in almost every process: Total hardness of water, p&m values of water (alkalinity), pH, chloride content.
  • The maximum concentration limitfor oxidation products:To ensure high quality of the end product, check for free fatty acids and peroxide number:
    • Acid content (non-aqueous): Free fatty acids in potato chips,oils, fats,butter, margarine.
    • Peroxide number in oils, fats,butter, margarine.
  • Antioxidants to improve shelf life :Vitamin C in fruit juice,cereals.
  • The determination of sulfur dioxide is veryimportant because its antiseptic and antioxidantactivity is only achieved if the free sulfurdioxide content is at a certain level… but a concentration of SO2 that is too high, causes headaches -> determination of SO2 in wine.


Knowledge Base

What Is Titration?
Understand the basic theory behind manual and automated titration and learn how to choose the right titration methods according to your experimental n...




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