thermomechanical analysis

Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA)

Precise Determination of Coefficients of Thermal Expansion (CTEs) and Transitions.

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thermomechanical analysis
thermomechanical analysis
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Teplotný rozsah
Max. sample length
Length resolution
Force range
SDTA resolution
Viac detailov
Teplotný rozsahRT to 1100 °C
Max. sample length20 mm
Length resolution0.5 nm
Force range−0.1 to 1 N
SDTA resolution0.005 °C
DLTMA frequencies0.01 to 1 Hz
Viac detailov
Teplotný rozsahRT to 1600 °C
Max. sample length20 mm
Length resolution0.5 nm
Force range−0.1 to 1 N
SDTA resolution0.005 °C
DLTMA frequencies0.01 to 1 Hz
Viac detailov
Teplotný rozsah–80 to 600 °C
Max. sample length20 mm
Length resolution0.5 nm
Force range−0.1 to 1 N
SDTA resolution0.005 °C
DLTMA frequencies0.01 to 1 Hz
Viac detailov
Teplotný rozsah–150 to 600 °C
Max. sample length20 mm
Length resolution0.5 nm
Force range−0.1 to 1 N
SDTA resolution0.005 °C
DLTMA frequencies0.01 to 1 Hz



Brochure: TMA/SDTA 2+
The TMA/SDTA 2+ incorporates Swiss precision mechanics and is available in four versions with furnace systems optimized for measurements between –150...
Brochure: STARe Excellence Software
Thermal analysis is a well-established analytical method that is widely used in many different fields. It provides laboratories with valuable results...


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