thermomechanical analysis

Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA)

Precise Determination of Coefficients of Thermal Expansion (CTEs) and Transitions.

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thermomechanical analysis
thermomechanical analysis
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Proizvodi in specifikacije

Proizvodi in specifikacije
Temperaturni razpon
Max. sample length
Length resolution
Force range
SDTA resolution
Temperaturni razponRT to 1100 °C
Max. sample length20 mm
Length resolution0.5 nm
Force range−0.1 to 1 N
SDTA resolution0.005 °C
DLTMA frequencies0.01 to 1 Hz
Temperaturni razponRT to 1600 °C
Max. sample length20 mm
Length resolution0.5 nm
Force range−0.1 to 1 N
SDTA resolution0.005 °C
DLTMA frequencies0.01 to 1 Hz
Temperaturni razpon–80 to 600 °C
Max. sample length20 mm
Length resolution0.5 nm
Force range−0.1 to 1 N
SDTA resolution0.005 °C
DLTMA frequencies0.01 to 1 Hz
Temperaturni razpon–150 to 600 °C
Max. sample length20 mm
Length resolution0.5 nm
Force range−0.1 to 1 N
SDTA resolution0.005 °C
DLTMA frequencies0.01 to 1 Hz


Brošure o izdelkih

Brochure: TMA/SDTA 2+
The TMA/SDTA 2+ incorporates Swiss precision mechanics and is available in four versions with furnace systems optimized for measurements between –150...
Brochure: STARe Excellence Software
Thermal analysis is a well-established analytical method that is widely used in many different fields. It provides laboratories with valuable results...


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Po podatkih Mednarodne konfederacije za termično analizo in kalorimetrijo (ICTAC) je termična analiza skupina tehnik, pri katerih je fizikalna lastnost snovi izmerjena kot funkcija temperature, medtem ko na snov vpliva nadzorovan temperaturni program.

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