Calibration, Verification and Certification
Consistent and Reliable Measurements

Consistent and Reliable Measurements

Proper calibration and verification show how consistent and reliable your measurements and inspection processes are. Accurate data allows you to make informed decisions.

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

Traceable documentation uncovers when measurement deviations that could compromise the integrity of your production took place. Accredited calibration certificates and verifications are the cornerstones of a solid quality assurance system.



Our experts help you stay ahead of changes in regulatory requirements, industry standards, and certifications.

The METTLER TOLEDO data integrity policy goes beyond Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) regulations, covering measurement and inspection devices in all industries.

Audit-Ready Documentation

Audit-Ready Documentation

Professionally documented calibration practices support adherence to regulatory requirements.

This paper trail allows you to easily present documented evidence of compliance during audits and inspections.

Globally Available Service Offerings

Globally Available Service Offerings

Standardized processes and protocols for most measurement and inspection devices support consistent management of your equipment across your entire organization, including international locations.

Our calibration certificates and verification documents are harmonized across the globe, allowing you to optimize operational efficiency.

Single Service Provider for Most Devices

Single Service Provider for Most Devices

Partnering with a dedicated service provider gives you peace of mind that all your measurement and inspection devices run at peak performance.

We have the largest network of OEM-trained technicians in the industry, giving you expert support wherever you are – and whenever you need it.

Laboratory Weighing calibration

Laboratory Solutions

Standards and regulations continue to adapt and tend to become tighter over time. An in-depth understanding of applicable regulations is required to define processes and ensure essential compliance
Product Inspection calibration

Product Inspection Solutions

High sensitivity is crucial to identify contaminants. Precise weighing is essential for weights and measures compliance. Accurate packaging inspection reduces recall risk. We verify your equipment operates within agreed specifications to maintain productivity and compliance with relevant standards.
Industrial weighing calibration

Industrial Weighing Solutions

For both initial and repeat calibration, we operate based on local accreditations and traceable weights. This helps ensure that your equipment fulfills compliance standards and meets legal-for-trade requirements.
Transport and Logistics Solutions calibration

Transport and Logistics Solutions

Verify the performance of your dimensioning, barcode reading, and dynamic weighing solutions with calibration that includes local accreditation and utilizes traceable test objects.
Vehicle Weighing Solutions calibration

Vehicle Weighing Solutions

With our MiraCal calibration system and proprietary test equipment, our technicians deliver consistent results and comprehensive documentation to verify your scale's performance and protect your profits.
Tank Scale Solutions calibration

Tank Scale Solutions

Our innovative tank scale calibration solution offers a productivity-enhancing method that is traceable and achieved without using test weights or costly purified water.
Process Analytics Solutions calibration

Process Analytics Solutions

Maintain accurate measurements of your process and compliance with critical quality standards by performing routine calibration and adjustments.
Retail Solutions calibration

Retail Solutions

For compliance with local weights and measures requirements as well as legal-for-trade regulations, retail weighing systems need periodic legal certification.
Guide on pH sensor calibration

pH Sensor Calibration Guide

Quick, easy and error-free calibration

RapidCal™ Tank Scale Calibration: Engineering Recommendations

RapidCal™ Tank Scale Calibration: Engineering Recommendations

Learn how you can replace traditional, time-consuming calibration methods with RapidCal™ technology.

What is calibration and why is it important?

Calibration is the fundamental process of observing instrument performance so that, if necessary, adjustments can be made to the instrument in order to achieve accurate measurements. Calibrations help to deliver reliable results and maintain measurement integrity in a company’s quality system. Calibrated devices are crucial when it comes to enhancing the quality of products, and accredited calibration certificates document that companies comply with regulatory standards.


During calibration, measurement values are compared against known standards to determine any deviations or inaccuracies. This meticulous procedure involves adjustments to align the instrument's readings with the reference standards, such as test weights. Proper calibration requires precision, expertise, and adherence to recognized procedures.

What is the difference between calibration and routine testing?

When a balance or scale is no longer measuring correctly within the allowed range for its intended use, a calibration is required. To fix this, a trained technician would perform a calibration using special test weights that are certified and accurately calibrated.

In addition to periodic calibrations, routine or functional tests are carried out to ensure that the weighing equipment is performing to expectations. The frequency of these tests depends on how risky the weighing process is. Typically, the person operating the equipment conducts routine tests using calibrated and certified test weights.

What are the top reasons for calibrating measurement equipment?

Regular calibration of measurement equipment is essential for several reasons:

  1. Maintain accuracy and remain compliant. Many industries have regulatory standards in place for measurement accuracy. Regular calibration verifies that your equipment meets these standards, preventing potential fines and safeguarding measurement results. Consistency among different measuring tools also enables high-quality production.

  2. Minimize costly errors and avoid fines. Inaccurate measurements can result in costly errors. Underweight production can lead to fines and dissatisfied customers, while overproduction wastes resources and reduces profits. Calibration helps minimize errors by optimizing instrument precision so that your measurements are within the required specifications.

  3. Eliminate safety risks. Equipment that is out of calibration can pose serious safety risks, including spoilage and the spread of foodborne illnesses. In hazardous work areas, uncalibrated equipment may expose employees to electrical hazards or other injuries. Regular calibration protects the safety and integrity of your operations.

What is measurement uncertainty?

Weighing uncertainty, also known as measurement uncertainty in weighing, refers to the range of values that can reasonably be assumed to encompass the exact weight of a measured object. In simpler terms, it represents the potential variation or margin of error in weighing measurements.

By understanding and considering weighing uncertainty, you gain insights into the potential variability in your weighing results. This knowledge helps you make informed decisions and determine the reliability and accuracy of your measurements. It also aids in setting appropriate tolerance limits and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. Embracing weighing uncertainty empowers you to have a more comprehensive understanding of the reliability and limitations of your weighing process.

What is performance verification of measurement devices?

Performance verification is essential to confirm that equipment operates according to agreed specifications, maintains productivity, and complies with standards. Regular performance verifications by our expert technicians helps monitor data quality, equipment reliability, and product safety.

Documented proof of steady process performance is crucial in maintaining consistent process quality. By effectively managing process risks, you can help prevent problems and rest assured that audits are successful.

How to find a reliable service provider?

First and foremost, choosing a trustworthy provider can make all the difference to protect measurement accuracy and give you peace of mind. Keep an eye out for certifications like ISO17025, which guarantees adherence to widely accepted quality standards.

A dependable calibration service provider will provide thorough documentation, including calibration certificates and reports, to confirm that your measurements can be traced, and you're prepared for any audits. With a global network of accredited technicians and calibration standards that can be easily traced, METTLER TOLEDO is equipped to handle all your service needs.


GWP® Verification

Confirm Accurate Weighing with Testing According to Good Weighing Practice™

METTLER TOLEDO preventive maintenance

Preventive Maintenance

Scheduled care for optimal performance