Our STARe software is the standard in thermal analysis, providing nearly limitless evaluation possibilities. Its unique features include modularity, flexibility and automation. The software also helps you to remain compliant within a regulated industry. All of our thermal analysis systems are controlled from one powerful software platform.
According to the International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ICTAC), thermal analysis is group of techniques in which a physical property of a substance is measured as a function of temperature while the substance is subjected to a controlled temperature program.
Our thermal analysis software STARe is powerful and easy to use. Measurements and experiments are sent to the instruments, and the resulting curves can then be evaluated immediately based on the user’s wishes.
STARe sets the standard for thermal analysis software. It is an extremely versatile software that offers extreme flexibility and almost limitless evaluation possibilities. STARe is a comprehensive software that powers all of METTLER TOLDEO’s thermal analysis systems, further simplifying workflows. STARe software is continually being updated to ensure that the user experience and technology is the best it can be.
STARe software is the ideal platform for any type of thermal analysis investigation – from simple experiments and automatic result evaluations from quality control to complex scientific applications used in research and academia.
The software’s five main windows make STARe simple and intuitive.
STARe software has a modular design, so the correct software package can be built and designed for a customer’s unique needs. The base software can be coupled with over 20 different application-specific software options to create a custom-tailored user experience. If the user’s needs change in the future, additional software options can easily be added.
STARe has some of the most powerful features on the market. These tools allow users to get the most of their systems.
STARe has many different software options. Building the correct package depends on the user’s needs. The application software options are: DSC Evaluations, TGA Evaluations, TMA Evaluations, DMA Evaluations, MaxRes, Specific Heat, TOPEM™ (Multi-frequency TMDSC), Mathematics, Model Free Kinetics, Advanced Model Free Kinetics, Quality Control, Reference Library