Precision Balance ME503/A - 在庫かぎりで販売終了
毎日の計量必須事項.必要な基本機能をすべて備えています。ひょう量:520 g; 最小表示:1 mg; 鮮明なディスプレイ; RS232×1; 内部分銅調整; 堅牢な金属製ハウジング; 簡単な水平調整; 10種類のアプリケーション; 取引証明用機種
Thanks to METTLER TOLEDO's proven weighing technologies and quality manufacturing, you can trust your weighing results to be consistent and precise.
One-Touch Balance Adjustment
Internal test weights make it simple for you to test and adjust your balance at any time with just the touch of a button.
品番: 30704510