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Reduce Cycle Time, Increase Quality and Yield With Flow Chemistry

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Used in the chemical and petrochemical markets for decades, continuous flow chemistry production methodology has recently been gaining interest in pharmaceutical R&D. The desire to develop new and improved chemical processes that optimize the use of resources has facilitated a large amount of work in the development of continuous flow reactor technologies. The use of modern continuous flow reactor technologies can deliver a number of distinct advantages over a more traditional batch process. They allow for rapid analysis, optimization and scale-up of a chemical reaction. This ultimately leads to reduced cycle time, increased quality and increased yield.

Proses kimia yang berkelanjutan
Proses kimia yang berkelanjutan
Continuous Flow Reactor Technology ThalesNanoThe ThaleNano H-Cube® is an example of a bench top hydrogenation system based upon continuous flow reactor technology. It can be used to perform continuous hydrogenation reactions up to 500g in scale, delivering product of superior quality and yield when compared with more traditional methods. It is also safer to use as it requires no external hydrogen source.
Flow Reactor ReactIRThough they bring inherent advantages, the optimization of a chemical reaction using a flow reactor is not always simple. It requires a process of trial and error as conditions and flow rates are altered until a steady state is found, producing the desired product at the desired yield. Hence a fast and effective method to measure the consumption of reactants and the formation of products and byproducts is required.
Continuous Flow Chemistry


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