
What you need to know: Vehicle Scale Accuracy and Calibration


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Don't take the accuracy of your scale for granted. Standard certifications only offer limited protection from weighing errors, and even small inaccuracies can add up to large losses over time. Learn what affects the accuracy of vehicle scales, from scale technology to the weighing environment, and what you can do to protect the measurement of your goods.

This white paper will cover the following topics:

1.      Introduction to Accuracy and Calibration

2.      Determining the Proper Calibration Period

3.      Detailed Inspections and Testing

4.      Evaluating Calibration Readings and Tolerances

5.      Accuracy Determination

6.      Making Adjustments to Improve Accuracy

7.      Calibration Procedures and Documentation

8.      Maintenance and Reliability

9.      Load Cell Technology and Scale Accuracy

10.   Summary

11.   Your Qualified Service Provider


Don't gamble with your scale accuracy. Download the Accuracy White Paper to stay informed.  

Occasionally, we hear stories from customers about numbers that don’t balance at the end of the month. When they look at weighing records and inventory levels, there is a discrepancy that can mean missing product and/or lost profit. It can lead to a frustrating search for errors in records and calculations that rarely reveals the problem.

Many vehicle scale owners never question the accuracy of their scale. That is because most locations have regulations that require periodic recalibration and certifications on scales used in business transactions. However, the accuracy tolerances used for typical vehicle scales still leaves room for small weighing errors on each transaction. When multiplied by the number of transactions in a month, some high-volume operations find that they could be giving away entire truckloads of product, even with a certified scale.

Why do the tolerances allow this? The long-standing regulations still reflect the limited capabilities of decades-old technology. Indeed, many scale manufacturers still use load-cell technology developed in the 1980s that can offer a lower initial cost, but compromised accuracy for the expectations of today's businesses.

Meanwhile, METTLER TOLEDO has pioneered advanced weighing technology for vehicle scales in the POWERCELL® line of high-capacity load cells. Studies of field service data have shown real improvements that advanced technology has on scale performance every day. For scale owners, this means virtually eliminating weighing errors, improving profit and fewer headaches at the end of the month.

Learn more about vehicle scale accuracy and what you can do to improve your weighing operation. Our new white paper on vehicle scale accuracy takes an in-depth look at scale technology, calibration procedures and weighing regulations.