Heat Transfer and Process Scale-up

How Heat Transport in Agitated Vessels Affects Process Scale-up

Zahtjev za ponudu
Process Scale-up and Heat Transfer
Reactor Heat Transfer Modeling
Scale-up of Heat Transfer
Practical Guidelines for Scale-up
Characterization and Optimization of a
Reaction Calorimetry


Publications on Heat Transfer and Scale-up

Application Notes

Transport topline u uznemirenim posudama
Ova primjena pregledava kako reakcijska kalorimetrija omogućuje točno mjerenje toplinskih otpora i topline koja se razvila iz reakcija u laboratoriju.


Reaction Calorimetry in the Chemical Industry
This webinar focuses on applications and the importance of mixing and reaction calorimetry in the chemical process industry. A series of industrial ca...

Povezani proizvodi

Technology related to Heat Transfer and Scale-up