Conduit K4

Nº de material: 14106912

Liquid-Based Reaction Monitoring of High Temperature and Pressure Chemistry in the Lab and Plant
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Especificações - Conduit K4
17 in


Fichas Técnicas

Tecnologia de amostragem ReactIR
A tecnologia de amostragem in situ ReactIR assegura a usabilidade em uma vasta faixa de condições de batelada e reação contínua.
ReactIR DS Micro Flow Technology
Measure and monitor continuous flow chemistry with DS Micro Flow Technology.
Módulo ReactIR DS Instrument Performance Assurance (IPA)
Validar a precisão do número de onda ReactIR e calibrar a um padrão de poliestireno certificado pelo Instituto Nacional de Padrões e Tecnologia (NIST)...

Product Brochures

ReactIR Brochure
Understand reaction chemistry with ReactIR In Situ FTIR spectroscopy

Extended Product Documentation

ReactIR™ Spectroscopy in Peer-Reviewed Publications
This free Citation List presents an extensive list of peer-reviewed publications related to the use of in-situ ReactIR spectroscopy for the advancemen...
Monitoring of Reaction Mechanisms
Data is collected in the mid-infrared spectral region, which provide a characteristic fingerprint absorbance that is associated with fundamental vibr...




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Conduit K4