Datasheet: TOPEM

Advanced Multi-Frequency TMDSC

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Advanced Multi-Frequency TMDSC

Datasheet: TOPEM®
Datasheet: TOPEM®

In just one single measurement, TOPEM delivers the quasi static heat capacity as well as the reversing and non-reversing heat flows. The frequency dependent complex heat capacity can also be computed in a wide frequency range.


Features and Benefits

  • Separation of total heat flow into reversing (sensible) and non-reversing (latent) heat flow components – permits separation of overlapping effects
  • Unique multi-frequency technique – can easily distinguish between frequency-dependent effects and frequency-independent effects in a single measurement
  • cp determination from the pulse response – a very accurate method for determining the quasi-static heat capacity
  • Simultaneous high sensitivity and high resolution – for measuring low energy transitions and/or close-lying temperature-dependent effects


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